Welcome to the Hebrews midwife home birth services!
¡Bienvenidos a los servicios de parto en casa con la partera Hebrea!
Complete pregnancy, birth and postpartum care with CPM. & LM. Veronica Gonzalez
Midwife serving south coastal Texas locations. Corpus Christi, Victoria, TX surrounding areas.
I offer VBAC, water birth, faith based, and family centered birth at home. I provide childbirth education, breastfeeding, and postpartum support, I specialize in preventative medicine, holistic health counseling, non allopathic treatment options and allopathic care when needed.
Servicios de Partera en Corpus Christi, Victoria, TX y alrededor. Cuidado Holístico y Medicina Preventiva Parto en casa, Parto en Agua, VBAC y más Hablo español e inglés.
Veronica Gonzalez CPM. & LM